Killer Stars: A threat to life.

Killer Stars: A threat to life.
Do you know the father of our Solar System?
Its SUN,cause it gives us light ,energy et..indirectly life .
We are very happy that we have a star to give us life .But one day it will kill us a.Yes it will take away life .

Today,we are going to learn about killer stars.

1)Giant Dwarf Stars

 There are some theories that Su will continue to give life light ,etc.But a time will come when sun will become very big & large  that if one look to sky with naked eyes it would be blind .

But that's not how it kills.Wait for suspense....
It will grow so large so big that it will intersect the orbit of mercury and will consume it ,then venus, And finally the EARTH.
Killer Stars: A threat to life.
Sounds weird ! right,the sun which gives life today will one day take it away. Traitor!!

Then a time would come when sun would eat every single thing in solar system and then ending up itself by a supernova explosion.

2)Hypervelocity Stars
 In our school days we learned that the moon revolves around earth and earth around       sun.     
  But what about sun? Is it stationary. 
It also revolves around galaxy.It takes 2.25 billion year to complete one revolution around the galaxy .these all things have something in common  they revolve around a fixed path.

There are some stars which don't have fixed path and wander around the whole universe with a very high speed.this speed is more than 10,000km/hrs.These stars are called Hypervelocity Stars or Run Away stars.
Killer Stars: A threat to life.
If these Stars just enter our solar system just for 5 sec it would be enough to kill us.
Even if its is at the last point of Solar System.

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